Javascript Error Logging

The stachebox module comes with a separate NPM companion module, stachebox, which may be installed to enable Javascript front-end logging, as well: npm install stachebox.

Once this module is installed you will need to import the module in to your application's primary Javascript file.

import Stachebox from "stachebox";

Since the logging API requires authentication, you will need to obtain a token for transmission via one of two methods

Stachebox Token Authentication

In this method, the front-end user would already be authenticated in to the system with the permission StacheBoxLog attached to their user account. Upon window load, a fetch to the authentication endpoint is requested to obtain a JWT token, which allows the front-end to log errors. This strategy requires that your application implements cbSecurity and that you have overriden the default authentication user service classes in your module configuration.

		method 	: "HEAD"
).then( response => {
	window.StacheboxLogger = new Stachebox( {
		application : "My Application Name",
		release : "1.0.1",
		token : response.headers.get( "x-auth-token" ) 
	} );
	window.onerror = function( message, source, lineno, colno, error ) {
		if( error ){
			if( typeof error === "string" ){
				error = new Error( error );
			window.StacheboxLogger.log( error );
} );

Basic Authentication

You may also use basic authentication with credentials to authenticate to the Stachebox API. This may be the users credentials, or you may create a systemwide account, which only has the StacheboxLog permission. To do this, simply skip the fetch for the auth token and configure the logger directly:

window.StacheboxLogger = new Stachebox( {
	application : "myApplicationName",
	release : "1.0.1",
	token : btoa( myUsername + ":" + myPassword)
} );
window.onerror = function( message, source, lineno, colno, error ) {
	if( error ){
		let errorSignature = JSON.stringify( error );
		window.StacheboxLogger.log( error );

Logstash Module Direct API Logging with Token

The logstash module is a dependency of the stachebox module, and has its own API. You may configure a token for use only by this module's API endpoing, and use it directly in your logging configuration. For more information about configuring the Logstash API and tokens, see the configuration documentation.

window.StacheboxLogger = new Stachebox( {
	endpoint : "/logstash/api/logs",
	token : window.globalData.logstashAPIToken,
	application : "myApplicationName",
	release : "1.0.1"
} );
window.onerror = function( message, source, lineno, colno, error ) {
	if( error ){
		let errorSignature = JSON.stringify( error );
		window.StacheboxLogger.log( error );

Ad-Hoc Logging

Once window.StacheboxLogger is available, you can use it ad-hoc in other areas of the application to catch and log errors:

window.StacheboxLogger.log( {
	level : "ERROR",
	message : "An error occurred while attempting to run some code in my application. More information: Lorem ipsum!",
	event : {
		name :  this.$,
		route : window ? window.location.pathname : "",
		routed_url : window ? window.location.href : "",
		environment : this.$store.globalData.environment
} );

Last updated

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